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AP 3825! CLI

AP 3825! CLI

New Contributor III
Hi, I have an AP were i would like to check the connected clients via CLI (not in the controller),
I log in via SSH and with admin user into the AP and i get a prompt just like this '#' and im not able to see available commands. however i found out that by typing CLI i can enter CLI mode, but many of the commands are not working.

If i type in the CLI "show wlan-clients summary" i get this

Wireless LAN Client Summary
Host,User/ MAC Address/ IP Address Service/
Status BSSID Radio Policy
doStatSrv Send Error, rc = -6
reply message 0 bytes is too short

the same happens with any other command where i get always the same error

"show radio 1"

doStatSrv Send Error, rc = -6
reply message 0 bytes is too short

Why this CLI doesnt work? do i need extra configuration to put it to work, where can i found documentation for the CLI and for '#' mode?

Honored Contributor
You'd get MU (=mobile unit = client) information with the follwing commands.

# cget muInfo wifi0
# cget muInfo wifi1

wifi0/1 is the radio of the AP.


Honored Contributor
on the # put in cget or cset and return to see the available get (=show) or set (=configure) commands

New Contributor II
Add the " on (domain name) after the command.