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How to configure event email notification on vx9000 controller

How to configure event email notification on vx9000 controller

New Contributor II
I'm using vx9000 controller in aws instance and more than 10 APs(AP7622) adopted with controller. I need to configure event email notification to get notification of events(such ac login, logout, etc) of AP ant controller. I tried it with google smtp server but it is not works. Can you guide me to complete this. Thank you.

Extreme Employee
Hi Gihan,

Please see link below for 'How to' Article on configuring event-system-policy.

How to configure a WM3000 series controller to send email notifications based on an event-system-pol...

Thank you Douglas

Extreme Employee
Hello Gihan,

  1. Follow this link to our online documentation: Where can I find documentation for Extreme WiNG products?
  2. Click on the Extreme Wireless - WiNG button
  3. Scroll down the page and expand Extreme Wireless - WiNG and expand WiNG Software
  4. Click on WiNG 5.9.0 Wireless Controller and Service Platform System Reference Guide
  5. Search for Managing an Event Policy to create one. This will allow you to choose the events you want to capture and the location to forward the notifications to (in your case email). You have many options to choose from in the Select Event Module drop down (top right corner of page)
  6. Search for Profile Management Configuration to set up your System Event Messages and Event E-mail Notification Settings

Christoph S.

New Contributor II
Thank you Christoph