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LAG between stack members with different port speeds

LAG between stack members with different port speeds

New Contributor III
Hi all,

Here's an annoying LAG problem. I have a stack which consists of an X670-G2 (slot 1) and an X460-G2 (slot 2). I want to create a 4x 1G LAG from this stack to another switch elsewhere. We're running on this.

Unfortunately, this is the result:
* Slot-1 Switch1.17 # enable sharing 1:7 group 1:7,1:8,2:31,2:39 alg address-based L3_L4 lacp
Error: System cannot support Load Sharing among port media types with different maximum speed
Configuration failed on backup Node, command execution aborted!

Ah ha, I think, I need to fix the speeds. Fair enough. Can't have two ports at 10G and two at 1G.

Nope, doesn't work:

* Slot-1 Switch1.23 # config port 1:7, 1:8, 2:31, 2:39 auto on speed 1000 duplex full
* Slot-1 Switch1.24 # enable sharing 1:7 group 1:7,1:8, 2:31,2:39 alg address-based L3_L4 lacp
Error: System cannot support Load Sharing among port media types with different maximum speed
Configuration failed on backup Node, command execution aborted!

This seems to be very broken - obviously I can use just 4x ports on slot 2 (the X460-G2) but hey, the whole point of having the stack here is to help with some redundancy as well as port count.

I obviously know that members of a LAG group have to be the same speed, but I think that this should be allowed as the X670-G2 is a 1G/10G switch. Its almost as bad as not permitting a LAG between say a 10/100/1000M port and a 1G only port.

Is there any workaround for this? It feels like a bug or a feature that's being a bit too enthusiastic!



Extreme Employee
For that you could use redundant port, the lower speed port is redundant for the high speed lag.

New Contributor III
This is still a bug in my opinion; as what both of us are trying to do is very sensible and fairly common. Especially if you have an X670 in your stack - you can't spread the LAG across stack members.

I can just about understand why it is implemented like this (to stop you having a LAG of 1x1G and 1x10G, which would probably have interesting real-world performance consequyences), but I can achieve exactly the same problem by having a LAG of 1x1G and 1x100M - without error - so all it really does is breaks functionality 😞

Perhaps having an option on the "enable sharing..." command to force the LAG creation, or treat it like the nagging EAPS config warnings that can (thankfully) be disabled would be a solution here.


Contributor III
GTAC clarify for me that not the current speed of a port is diciding for being port of an LAG/Sharing it is the maximum media type speed.

In my current environment i have 2x 1GB GBICs - one in a SPF+ port and the other in a SFP port (Stack of X450-G2-10GE and X450-G2-GE). Bonding this both ports to one sharing port is currently NOT possible!

Still one question is open - is it possible to use both ports as a active / standby LAG ? Means one port stay as an active sharing port (port with higher prio), the other port stay in standby mode till the first fail (lower Priority).


Contributor III
Having the same issue !