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X450e to 2960S

X450e to 2960S

New Contributor
I have a X450e that I am linking a Cisco 2960S too. Both ports are in VLAN 99 (management). They are not able to talk to each other and I am not able to access the Cisco switch by the IP assigned to VLAN 99.

Cisco Config

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/22
switchport access vlan 99
spanning-tree portfast

Extreme Config

configure vlan Mgmt99 add ports 1-2, 39-42 untagged

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.


New Contributor
This is odd. I enabled ipforwarding vlan mgmt99 and then disabled it and I can still get to the cisco switch.

As Patrick pointed out, theoretically there isn't a need of that command, but I personally have ran into that problem in the lab and that's just a small 'work-around' it.

Extreme Employee
This might be a tagged to untagged situation. I see extreme is configured as untagged in that vlan. how is it configured on the other side?

Hi Patrick,

other side look like it's "switchport access vlan 99". so it is also "untagged".