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x670v ports wont up using extreme transcievers

x670v ports wont up using extreme transcievers

New Contributor
Hi Experts,

Is there something I'm missing? I have enabled the port the I need to use, and attached it to a x670v going to a supermicro server with an Extreme sfp+ module on one end, and ano there transceiver on the other end, I have turned enabled the port on the super micro and on the switch, but it seems there is no sign of connectivity, and port is still on ready status.

Am I missing a command?

thanks in advance

Extreme Employee
One more thing to check is "show port X transceiver information detail". This should should show TX and RX powers for the optic on the switch.

Extreme Employee
Also did you have auto negotiation off at both ends? because we have a known issue and issue description is
  • Port goes down after configuring auto off , speed 1000 settings at both ends with 1G fiber optics
    • Port goes up after issuing commands: configure port X auto on speed 1000 duplex full configure port X auto off speed 1000 duplex full

Extreme Employee

Let's start with the Layer 1:

- Did you try to swap the fibers on one end to be sure to have tx/rx right?
- are both SFP+ SR (or LR or ER or ZR)?
- this is a MMF OM3/OM4 if SR?
- what's the length?
- if SMF, what type of SFP+ for what length and do you have attenuators?