New Contributor II
since ‎09-07-2021

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Hi, I have a customer that wants to provide WiFi access over a 60.000 sqm open storage area and was wondering if sixty 7662 APs with internal antennas and MESHCONNEX setup controlled by a VX9000 controller would be enough to cover the whole area. ...
Hi, The AP 7662 ext has 6 N Connectors. Do all have to be populated with antennas to work? If not what is the least number of external antennas that can be installed? Also are all connectors dual-band or some are for 2,4GHz and some for 5GHz? best...
Hi, The antenna guide in page 28 lists all the compatible antennas for AP7522 EMEA. For Patch antennas there is a (*) for ML-2452-PTA3M3-036 which has three(3) connectors. How should this be connected on the AP7522e which only has two(2) RP-SMA po...
Hi, I have a setup with a VX9000 and three 7522 APs which are adopted by the VX9000. In the same subnet I setup two 7532 one as VC and the other as adopted AP by the VC to test stuff. When I rebooted the VX9000, all three 7522APs got adopted by ...
When would one use a PATCH antenna ML-2452-PTA3M3-036 and when a PANEL ML-2452-PTA6M6-036? How should they be placed? best regards.
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