New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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  • 23 Posts
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Hello,I have some problems with Packet-Loss at a S-Series switch/router. Every day I get  "SNMP Contact Lost" in Netsight for some switches. I have found a device, which is dropping the SNMP-packets (requests). With “debug packet” at this device I ge...
I have a problem to get a 100 Mbit SFP MGBIC-LC04 working in an old 7G4270-12 DFE-module. I get no link. When I tried to configure the port for 100 Mbit I got error message: ss097a(su)->set port speed ge.7.12 100 default speed 100 mbps no...
Hello, I need alarms in XMC from APC-UPS-Traps. I added this to trapd.conf: OID_ALIAS apc . EVENT upsDiagnosticsPassed . "Status Alarms" Warning FORMAT upsDiagnosticsPassed: $1 SDESC Test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I...
I want to set a Role on a Wireless Controller (C4110-2, with Policy-Manager ( I was able to do it, but the role was created with "Bridge at AC" and I need "Bridge at AP". How can I change this?
I have added a rw snmp community-string to Wireless Controller (C4110-2, System Version in Netsigth ( The community-string is working, but I get "AP Out of Service-alarm" for all ap's managed by this Controller. For the Con...