Hi, is there a roadmap for support as Third Party VPN Gateway in ExtremeCloud IQ, vendors different than Cisco (for example Check Point, Paolo Alto, Fortinet,..)?
Hi, I've updated my XIQ-SE + ExtremeControl to latest version and I'm trying How to Implement Microsoft Entra ID Registration with OpenID I've configured Captive Portal for Entra ID registration and the test is successfulI've added the nac rule:But o...
Hi, which are the settings to use In ExtremeControl if as access switches the customer has Huawei (for example S5736-S Series Switches) where on some ports has connected ExtremeCloud IQ AP (old Aerohive models like AP650, and so on) and want to authe...
Hi, I've got a Fabric engine where I use the NAC to assign the VLANs, and I've configured DHCP-Relay for dynamic ip address assignment for both L2VSN and L3VSN.In L2VSN all works well and the client connected to a port of the switch when unauthorized...
Hi, I've made a quick lab on GNS3 version 2.2.42 and VOSS image GA and made a simple SMLT\vIST configuration between a pair of switches But the vIST remain UP only few minutes and then goes down.Below the screenshot of the console of the two...
Hi Michal, you can play with custom configurations in the action tab of the site that call a workflows for run the necessary commands during ZTP+ for your exos switches. There are example of workflow in the github repository of Extreme Networks that ...
Hi Zdenek,I've modified the configuration in my lab in manner that now I redirect to ExtremeControl Captive portal with PBR, but the behavior is still the same. In the wireshark on the client when I click on the Log in with Microsoft button nothing h...
Hi Zdenek,when I press the "SIgn in with Microsoft" button, in my wireshark session on the client, I don't see DNS request for any microsoft websites, seems that there is no redirection to the login page of microsoft and I don't see client connection...
I want to add the result of a new test I've made: I've added in the allowed website the following domains: msauth.net and office.com and now If in the browser of the unauthenticated client type: https://login.microsoftonline.com I'm redirected to the...