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IP static route limits for EXOS

IP static route limits for EXOS

Contributor II
I need to know what is exact limits for IPv4 static routes and IPv6 static routes in EXOS.
In EXOS 22.2 release notes (Limits section, page 34) there are IP multicast static routes oraz IP unicast static routes entries, both limits are equal to 1024.

Is that limit for both IPv4/IPv6 protocols ?
I am considering X450-G2 and X460-G2 series.

Customer reuqirement is to have:
1. At least 8000 routes for IPv4
2. At least 2000 routes for IPv6
3. At least 3000 for IPv4 static routes
4. At least 1000 for IPv6 static routes.

Can this requirements be met for EXOS swicthes ?


Robert Zdzieblo

Contributor II
Hello Stephen,

I have no info about future plans. Thank you for your answer !

Extreme Employee
It does meet the requirements as long as the PRD doesn't specify HW tables. Do they require the table size today or are they planning for future growth?

Contributor II

Thank you for explanation.
Specification doesn't say anything about hardware/software limits or LPM.
What is the final conclusion ? Would X450-G2 meet the requirements in your opinion ?

Extreme Employee

I think your requirements would max out the x450-G2 LPM table that holds 16,000 ipv4 routes. For reference IPv6 /64 routes take up twice the space of a ipv4, and a route is a route whether it's static or not.

You need 11,000 IPv4 routes and 3,000 IPv6 (6,000 extra IPv4) makes 17,000 entries if none of them could be compressed, witch is unlikely. We can hold 25K routes in software so EXOS will optimize the routes that should be placed in HW because the x450-g2 is 1,00 short in HW.

You also will need to take into account how many host/arp address needed.