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Random machines in network won't ping Extreme 440 routing switch, any thoughts?

Random machines in network won't ping Extreme 440 routing switch, any thoughts?

New Contributor
I have a customer that has a network of Extreme gear. Everything has been great up to about two weeks ago. Random machines in the network will disconnect from the internet. When this happens the client can no longer ping the 440 switch that has been setup as the router. However the client retains their IP, and can ping various DNS servers and devices inside the network, so traffic still flows. It almost seems that the extreme switch just stops replying to clients once it hits a certain number of connections. This apparently is a random issue where the affected machine will then begin to work after 5-20 minutes. When this phenomenon happens however all other traffic on other systems continues to flow so the switch isn't completely going down, almost like it is playing catch up.

I would say there are approximately 800-1000 IP clients. Does anyone know if the switch has some limit to concurrent connections possibly?

The routing switch details are..
440 24t version v1563b1 patch 1-9

The end user also ran iparp and it is attached for reference..

Thanks in advance for any idea to start tackling this issue.
