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AP-7532 Adoption

AP-7532 Adoption

New Contributor



I got given an ap-7532 from a friend who recently upgraded his wifi solution i’ve been able to reset it to default using a usb to serial and ssh into it but I would like to add it onto my home network to use along with my Uqiuti AP (I know it wont run on the same controller software etc) but its more of an addition instead of buying another Unifi AP if i can use this one

I’ve tried to login via webui but doesnt return an address, Discovery Tool doesnt see it as a network 
Is there anything im missing, would i need to purchase a support contract/software e.g a virtual controller to be able to adopt this onto my network and use it?



New Contributor

Thank you Christoph, I will see if i can ssh into it as its a DHCP client now its been reset

Unfortunatly I do not have an Extreme Portal account to be able to download the WiNG-man software, I have submitted my information to create an account but unsure if the given information is enough due to me being an individual and not a business customer etc

Extreme Employee

Hello Kikkawa,


  • The AP7532 can be used as a standalone AP without the need to be adopted by a controller/VC.
  • When reset, by default it’s a DHCP client so you should be able to SSH into it via the ge1 port. Alternatively you can access it via the zeroconfig IP address. Instructions on same:
  • The default username and password are : admin/admin123 (if firmware is recent or admin/motorola for legacy firmware. 
  • To access it via GUI you will need to install WiNG-man. 
  • Once in, it is recommended that you upgrade it to the latest 5.x firmware and configure is accordingly. 

Here’s a link on how to download WiNG-Man and the firmware:


I hope this helps,

Christoph S.