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Different power range on same rf-domain

Different power range on same rf-domain

New Contributor III
Hello community,

I would like to know if it was possible to assign a different smart-rf policy for APs from the same site.

For example, I have a big high-school with amphitheaters with lots of connections and classrooms where the number of APs is very dense with a high propagation verticality between my floors but also an administrative part which is a classic office area.

I would like to create a kind of smart-rf microcell policy with reduced power for coverage of high density areas and another in normal power mode.
Problem the smart-rf-policy only applies for one rf-domain and all my APs are in the same rf-domain.

Is there a way to do that to help my smart-rf policy and reduce the channel overlapp?

Strangely enough the command area tells us that we can assign a list of Channel and power but in fact only a list of channels is definable... a pity it corresponded to my need.

Smart RF Mode commands:
area Specify channel list/ power for an area

Vx-9000-1(config-smart-rf-policy-test)#area test ?
channel-list Select channel list for area

Thank you for your help 

New Contributor III


I just saw that in the last release note 5.9.7 the feature for power has been added  🙂 

I don't think, however, that we can play on channel-width (don’t test yet) , it could also be useful in my opinion. If we have for exemple a stadium with channel  20 Mhz for public poeple and 80MHz for journalists who need throughput.


Thanks for this feature

Smart-RF enhancement to configure power per area - Implements capability to provide 
output power range for a configured area. 

smart-rf-policy test 
group-by area 
sensitivity custom 
assignable-power 5GHz max 2 
assignable-power 5GHz min 1 
assignable-power 2.4GHz max 2 
assignable-power 2.4GHz min 1 
channel-width 5GHz 80MHz 
area 1 assignable-power 5GHz min 3 
area 1 assignable-power 5GHz max 4 
area 1 assignable-power 2.4GHz min 3 
area 1 assignable-power 2.4GHz max 4 





You should tunnel.
Since tunneling with VX9000 is not supported by extreme support team, You can test it by yourself in your lab.
Suggest it only if you don't have to meet a bandwidth requirements, because you don't have a dataplane with the VM.
Do it only if you well experienced with WING/networking.



New Contributor III
Hello Aviv,

Could you tell me a little more about that?

Doesn't L3 roaming only concern wlan in tunnel mode? In my case all my SSIDs are in bridge mode, I'm not a fan of tunnel mode architecture that relies on WAN links to send traffic to the remote controller.

Have you already implemented this type of features?

thank you

Hello guys,

I would create an additional RF domain/smart RF and work with L3 roaming.