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Any process to share local user credentials between different vhms on-prem hivemanager?

Any process to share local user credentials between different vhms on-prem hivemanager?

New Contributor

Hi Team,


Is there any process to share the local users crested for PPSK on one vhm to be shared across other vhms we have on our on-prem hive manager? We have a PPSK ssid and want to push it to other locations which are on different VHMs. Otherwise we have to create same user group and same credentials under each vhm which is not practical.


New Contributor

Hi Ashley,

We are running HM classic on prem and yes we can export and import. We don't want to go that way because in this case it means that we need to delete keys from two VHMs if a user leaves.


Thanks for your response.

Contributor III

I'm not sure if this option is available in on-premise, however you should be able to export the users from a particular group and then import them into the other VHM.

Which HiveManager platform is being used, Classic or NG?