End of Service Products
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Setting up second-hand AeroHive AP130

Hello, I have recently acquiried 3 second-hand AeroHive AP130 access points. I would like to set them up, but it seems that it’s not possible to do through the web UI at all, even in the simplest way (is that correct?). It seems that I have to get th...

Resolved! AP230 firmware updates

I received an AP230 while taking an Aerohive training several years ago. It’s sat in its box, until I recently discovered a use for it. I’ve managed to get it working through CLI configs, but I’m concerned with the age of the firmware. Show version g...

wosteen by New Contributor
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Enterasys B2H124-48 not starting

Hello, how to restore the flash card of the B2H124-48 32mGb CjmpactFlash switch.The switch stopped booting after mounting the flash drive into the card reader to view information.The port LEDs are constantly on, the processor LED in the terminal is f...

Yurii by New Contributor II
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C5 firmware

I have a C5 switch that I bought off of ebay, it currently has firmware is there later firmware available? Is there a place I can download it from?Thanks

Jamy by New Contributor
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