05-30-2019 10:26 PM
We're moving all of our APs from Hivemanager Classic to Hivemanager Connect (the free one) as we'll soon be turning over the building and the installed APs to the building owners.
We've mixed up where the APs are on the map. Classic has a way to have the AP LED flash to locate it, but I can't find it in Hivemanager Connect. I read it is under Tools, but that's only available for Select.
If indeed Connect lacks the ability to identify an AP, is there at least a way to do so in CLI?
05-31-2019 03:13 PM
05-31-2019 02:57 PM
Hi Dan,
Try: _led color Amber [Fast/slow-blink]
05-31-2019 01:27 PM
05-31-2019 02:36 AM
system led brightness bright
system led brightness off