03-15-2019 04:08 PM
Good afternoon dear colleagues I would like to ask you a question, We have inside the institution a hall with three AP230 where we are having problems. The coverage is good but navigation degrades to such an extent that the AP removes users from the network and navigation is very slow.
In this corridor, 100 are connected, of which 61 are iPads of a shared cart for students, and every day they report slowness of the Wi-Fi network.
We have already tried modifying with channels, power, etc. and we could not find the solution. And it only happens in that hall where the concurrence of clients is greater.
If you have any suggestions for where we should look, I would appreciate it.
04-08-2019 12:55 PM
Thank you for that packet capture, I was able to see that your broadcast and multicast traffic made up approximately 20% of the network traffic, and we had no clients sending an unexpectedly large amount of traffic in comparison with the rest of the devices on the network, so we can rule out latency, broadcast storms, and rouge client devices. Unfortunately the tech data only included the buffered log, could you send the entire tech data file over for me to review?
04-08-2019 12:40 PM
Dear, SAM, I sent you the email from rromero@colegiokolbe.com. thank you
03-26-2019 07:11 PM
Sería capaz de obtener datos técnicos durante los momentos en que observa estas pérdidas de paquetes? O tal vez ejecutar una captura de paquetes durante los principales tiempos de pérdida de paquetes para que podamos tener una idea del tráfico que se está pasando?
03-26-2019 06:12 PM
Estimado SAM, hemos bajado la potencia a la sugerida pero el comportamiento es el mismo, me he percatado que coincide la degradación de la red con considerables perdidas de paquetes por ejemplo haciendo ping al, va y viene. Estos AP230 van conectados a un switch cisco SG300-28 PoE y en os puertos no hay errores, tampoco pierdo paquetes si le hago ping directamente a la ip del propio AP. Tampoco existen loops en la red. Curioso es que solo ocurre en estos APs del mismo pasillo que van al mismo switch de los 23 que tenemos. Otra cosa la red cableada va de maravilla.
Sería de mucha ayuda si me das alguna otra idea donde pueda mirar. Saludos y gracias.