ā08-22-2019 08:08 PM
ā09-05-2019 03:04 PM
Thank you for that error message. Are we attempting to use a custom Captive Web Portal (CWP) object, or custom HTML within the CWP? If so, could we temporarily replace the CWP object with a default CWP to see if that is the object causing the update failures? If the update goes through, we can troubleshoot the custom CWP obejct, if the update fails we know it wasn't that object and we can move on to other factors that could cause the update to fail.
ā09-05-2019 02:58 PM
The CLI 'save web-page web-directory NextranUSAGuestCWP https://cloud-va.aerohive.com:443/afs-webapp/configuration/cwp/8883/NextranUSAGuestCWP.t...admin VHM-INTTGNRB password *** basic'execute failed, cause by: The Aerohive device was unable to save the web page to the remote server. Check network connectivity between the Aerohive device and server and try again.
ā08-23-2019 01:29 PM
What is the message you get when you try to upload the configuration to your APs? If you click on the Device Update Failed message, you should see details on the failure.