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Concurrent connection setting with mixture of PPSK local and PPSK Cloud

Concurrent connection setting with mixture of PPSK local and PPSK Cloud

New Contributor

We would like to have a maximum number of PPSK (Cloud) access to 1, and the concurrent connection of PPSK (Local) access is 9, which they are in same SSID.


But in our testing, all PPSK is still limited to 1.

the Firmwire of AP130 is 8.2r6 .



please help to assist.





Esteemed Contributor III

Thank you for explaining. The 10.x firmware line does have some interference issues, but 8.2r6 shouldn't have those. Unfortunately you're right that 10.x has more PPSK features. You might need to wait for 10.0r8 to come out, that should have the fix for the interference issues the 10.x line has now.

New Contributor

My environment is suffered the 2.4Ghz interference. all 2.4ghz devices got very poor connectivity. the worst case ping drop rate is over 20 - 50%. even the AP is in front of the client, I have read the post from yours .

mention trying downgrade to HiveOS 8.4r.x. cannot help a lots. and i kept searching more posts. found someone suggest to hiveos 8.2r6 to fix the problem. i feel the interference handling is great in older firmware. no more ping drop. but seems some PPSK features are not support in that firmware

Esteemed Contributor III

Is there a reason you're using an older firmware version? My tests were done on an AP230 running on 10.0r7a.

New Contributor

​What is the HiveOS version? our environment is 8.2r6.

We have checked that release note of the 8.4r2,  do our cases is need to higher hiveOS version.


PPSK Enhancements: You can now apply PPSK limits at the User Group or User Profile level, which potentially allows you to administer access across many user types, such as contractors, employees, guest, and so on, without needing additional network policies or SSIDs.

Esteemed Contributor III

Thank you for the detailed description and the screen shots. I just set this up in my lab to test but everything worked as expected. Would you be able to add me to your HiveManager instance with the email address (and please let me know what your Organization name is) so I can check your configuration? Also please let me know the object names I should look at (Network Policy, SSID, User Groups).


This guide reviews how to give me remote access and where to find the organization name:


If you'd rather share this information with me directly, my email address is