05-27-2019 09:21 AM
I see in the documentation (http://docs.aerohive.com/330000/docs/help/english/ng/Content/gui/configuration/configuring-ibeacon-service.htm?Highlight=ibeacon) that isn't possible, but i see that in the configuration Menu from Hivemanager NG.
In the Datasheet from the AP650 is written BLE Support, what does that mean?
06-18-2019 12:57 PM
Thanks for the correction
05-28-2019 01:26 PM
You can configure the embedded iBeacon transmitter in the following APs: AP122, AP122X, AP150W, AP245X, AP250, and AP550. The configuration option in the GUI exists for these devices, but other models will fail to implement the feature properly. BLE refers to Bluetooth low energy devices, meaning that AP is capable of working with low energy bluetooth signals, which is different than the iBeacon service specifically.