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Hello, Can we change the enforce rule for a group ? I tried to change it and redeploy the Network policy but doesn't work. it was on "All charac selected" and want it on "Any charact selected" Thank you

Hello, Can we change the enforce rule for a group ? I tried to change it and redeploy the Network policy but doesn't work. it was on "All charac selected" and want it on "Any charact selected" Thank you

New Contributor
Hello, Can we change the enforce rule for a group ? I tried to change it and redeploy the Network policy but doesn't work. it was on "All charac selected" and want it on "Any charact selected" Thank you

Esteemed Contributor III

You would want to contact your partner to open a support case. If you'd like the ability to open a case on Hive Community, you would need to purchase Global Select support. If you're unsure who to contact for your partner, please let me know and I will email you directly with some contact information.

New Contributor

I already do that, it didn't work and for whatever reason I cannot open case...



Esteemed Contributor III

You should be able to adjust that in the user group settings, and then you'd need to push a complete configuration update to the APs to see this change take effect. If you have pushed the configuration update and you're still not seeing the change applied, I would recommend opening a technical support case to look in to that further.