ā07-03-2019 02:27 PM
ā08-20-2019 09:48 AM
ā07-11-2019 04:54 PM
Thank you for your patience while we tested this. The map is getting split between two pages due to the size of the image. An image scaled to or below 10ft wide and 6ft long will fit on one page, otherwise the image will be split across two pages.
ā07-05-2019 01:51 PM
Thank you for clarifying for me. I just tried a planning map export in my lab and I have three pages; page one with the iIntroduction, RF prediction, and Assumptions, page two with the actual Map, and page three with device details. Would you be able to email me the PDF you have exported at communityhelp@aerohive.com so I can be sure I understand what you mean by split between two sheets?
ā07-05-2019 01:45 PM