10-21-2019 07:36 AM
For me its showing "systemUpTime": 1568392255171,
in a HiveManager it's equal to the someting around 37d 15h 4m. I want to convert it to the human time. Thank you
10-22-2019 09:46 AM
@Doug Kraemer Hello,
Thank you. You helped me a lot. I decided to share solution to get human readable output. Here is the BASH script if it will somebody need it.
I will publish a full Nagios script on GitHub later.
# Example value from the output of API CALL
# Get current timestamp in milliseconds
CURRENT_TIME=`date +%s%3N`
# Difference between current date and date since AP was active
# Converting from milliseconds to seconds
CONVERT=`echo "scale=2;${UPTIME}/1000" | bc`
# Rounding seconds
seconds=`echo $CONVERT | awk '{printf("%d
",$1 + 0.5)}'`
# Converting to Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
OUTPUT=`eval "echo $(date -ud "@$seconds" +'$((%s/3600/24)) days %H hours %M minutes %S seconds')"`
echo $OUTPUT
# Example Output: 38 days 17 hours 10 minutes 23 seconds
10-21-2019 05:05 PM
That is the Unix Time stamp. tells you the date it has been active since, you will need to subtract that from the current date to get the uptime. You may use this page to do manual conversions, but it also has examples of how to convert it in almost all programming languages, and even some programs like Excel.
-Doug Kraemer