12-03-2019 09:12 AM
Hi, I'm facing the an issue with AP 230 currently running HiveOS 6.5r4. I have changed authentication settings of an SSID and deployed the network policy. All the APs is showing , "Device Update Failed".
How will I be able to update the change please?
12-03-2019 03:36 PM
I'm sorry, that image didn't come through, could you try emailing it to me at communityhelp@aerohive.com instead? You should be able to find the IP addresses of the APs on the Manage tab of your HiveManager, those are assigned by your network so I don't know what they are.
12-03-2019 01:49 PM
12-03-2019 12:35 PM
If you click on the Device Update Failed message, what are the details of the update failure? Also, which HiveManager platform are you using? This guide will walk you through how to determine which HiveManager you are using, for reference: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Which-HiveManager-Platform-am-I-using
Finally, could you confirm that your firewall and any content filters are allowing the following ports to pass outbound traffic?
UDP 12222
TCP 22
TCP 443