11-03-2018 06:27 PM
I have a HiveAP 350 that I was given and I am trying to add it to HivemanagerNG, but when I enter the serial number for the AP, I receive an error stating that there is a stack record for the device in the redirector. I'm looking for information as to whether or not I can get this resolved or if this is an issue with the device itself since it's no longer in production.
I've emailed communityhelp@aerohive.com as suggested in some other posts, but wanted to follow-up and post here as well for double-coverage.
Thanks for any help!
SN: 35012112901209
11-05-2018 02:04 PM
Thanks for the post Ben, I've freed that AP up for you so you should be good to go. I also emailed you back, but I wanted to answer here in case you see this first.