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How do I bulk add devices and assign names to each device?

How do I bulk add devices and assign names to each device?

New Contributor
How do I bulk add devices and assign names to each device?

New Contributor III

It looks like in the latest upgrade to Hivemanager they added this feature. It is pretty similar to Classic and should get the job done. There is also and example template. If they only had a way to export access points into the same format.

New Contributor III

I got an email from Aerohive hoping to have this done by the end of October.

New Contributor

Dennis - That's great news! I'll rattle the chains on my side as well. I have a case opened already with them and am pushing to get to a developer. Hopefully we'll see some quick turn around on some API development.


I'm just really surprised no ones called this out until now? ... all that clicking to get even one added and renamed with some basic policy, it just so much wasted time.


Keep us updated on progress and I'll do the same.

New Contributor III

Chris, i agree with you its crazy. Per my post above they are going to be fast tracking this feature request. I informed aerohive I would not be making a large purchase on AP650s unless this feature and a couple other things were corrected and the listened. If I get a timeline from them I will let you guys know i am expecting this will be fixed in a few months.