ā08-23-2019 03:39 AM
ā08-23-2019 02:39 PM
This guide will walk you through how to determine which HiveManager platform you're using: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Which-HiveManager-Platform-am-I-using
ā08-23-2019 02:37 PM
Thanks for the link @Sam Pirokā
How do I know whether I need HMOL or HM Cloud ?
ā08-23-2019 01:32 PM
I'm sorry about the faulty link, we're working on getting that page back up and running. In the mean time, here's a duplicate of that post, please let me know if you have any trouble getting to this page: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/question/0D50c00007NeN2jCAF/hiveos-matrix
Also, we've moved away from the Golden vs feature release trains, now we just have the latest recommended for each HiveManager Platform.