‎03-28-2019 12:57 PM
‎03-29-2019 08:42 AM
Thx for helping !!
‎03-28-2019 01:24 PM
Deleting the old key won't cause an issue.
Two options:
Acquire a licence for the 4 devices is probably best the long term solution
Alternatively, unmanage 4 of the devices (use the tickbox to select 4 > actions > change management status > unmanage devices.
In an unmanaged state, the devices function as usual, but are unable to have updates pushed to them
‎03-28-2019 01:18 PM
What can I do ? I delete by error the encryption key expired i hope that will not affect my devices.
How can I solve this issue ?
‎03-28-2019 01:04 PM
Could you provide a screenshot of this? Is there a message about licencing being shown on this page? If a licence has expired and you have more devices than licences it will "lock" to the monitor page.