06-13-2019 03:09 AM
Any of the report selections do not show the actual number but a percentage. I want the email that is sent out to have the actual client count of the sessions for the day or the week or the month. How is this done??
06-21-2019 08:59 PM
Hi Sam,
I also have another question regarding the numbers for daily, weekly and monthly reports.
06-21-2019 08:12 PM
Hi Sam,
Exporting the report to a file format is not a problem. What I need is for the numbers to be displayed within the report rather than a pie percentage
that doesn't show the total or breakdown of the client count.
Software Version:8.2r2e
Build Time:2019-06-11 01:52:35
06-21-2019 07:52 PM
Thank you for that screen shot. If you click on the gear icons in the top right hand corner of the report window, you'll see an option to export, and a list of export options that includes PDF.
06-21-2019 07:49 PM
I'm afraid that image did not come through, could you try sending it directly to communityhelp@aerohive.com?
06-21-2019 07:48 PM