11-19-2019 02:49 PM
I have a few AP650's telling me they're connected to the same port on the same switch (They may in fact all come through that uplink, but are definitely connected to another switch first)
I also have an AP30/ATOM unit that thinks it's connected to an HP 5412zl - problem is we've retired that switch quite a while ago.
Just curious what I can do to force this information to refresh, thanks!
11-25-2019 02:12 PM
Sorry for the wait here, I haven't been able to find any URLs you could test with, you might want to open a case with technical support to troubleshoot further. This command will test TCP ports:
exec _test tcp-service host <HiveManager IP> port #
11-24-2019 12:23 AM
Or better yet, specific commands (I assume that same CURL attempt won't be valid) I can test on a few APs to see what's happening?
11-19-2019 08:35 PM
11-19-2019 08:19 PM
Thank you for that tech data. I'm seeing a lot of the reporting files sent from the APs to the ExtremeCloud IQ instance that are failing. For example: system: curl -F "filename=@/tmp/l7_report/206C8A0505000546.hpr" -m 900 -k -f --basic -u VHM-GOBMTTMN:********************* "https://va2.extremecloudiq.com:443/afs-webapp/l7report/80314/" "VHM-GOBMTTMN" failed to http to server,rc=8960(35)
You can see that it's failing to http to the server, which indicates an issue with a firewall or content filter. The reporting files (.lpr and .hpr files) need to get to the ExtremeCloud IQ instance for it to report accurate information. I would recommend checking any firewalls or content filters to see where these packets are getting caught up.
11-19-2019 07:09 PM
Thank you for letting me know. Would you be able to send me tech data from one of the devices reporting an incorrect port? If you'd like to send this to me directly, my email address is communityhelp@aerohive.com.