‎03-16-2020 11:02 PM
AP350. This is interface wifi1 and has very high floor noise and interfernce utilization shown as below:
Rx airtime=512.89 ms; Tx airtime=2.41 s; CRC error airtime=4.70 s;
Rx airtime percent=0.03%; Tx airtime percent=0.50%; CRC error airtime percent=0.03%;
Tx utilization=1%; Rx utilization=0%; Interference utilization=17%; Total utilization=18%;
Backhaul failover=disable;
Running average Tx CU=0%; Rx CU=0%; Interference CU=1%; Noise floor=-15dBm;
Short term means average Tx CU=1%; Rx CU=1%; Interference CU=8%; Noise floor=-41dBm;
Snapshot Tx CU=1%; Rx CU=1%; Interference CU=9%; Noise floor=-45dBm;
‎03-20-2020 08:03 PM
Thank you for that tech data. I see one neighboring signal that is very loud and is not coming from an Aerohive AP. It looks to be a Netgear device with a MAC address that starts with: b039:5663:db
I would recommend finding that device and disabling it or at least turning down it's broadcast power.
Additionally you have a high rate of CRC errors on both radios. I would recommend going through the troubleshooting outlined in this guide: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Radio-Frequency-Interference-Troubleshooting
‎03-20-2020 07:08 PM
file loaded.
‎03-19-2020 12:11 AM
the tech data file size is too big and please provide another options.​
‎03-17-2020 01:41 PM
Would you be able to send me tech data from an AP with this issue? This guide reviews how to get tech data in ExtremeCloud IQ: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/How-to-download-tech-data-in-HiveManager
If you'd like to send the data to me, please feel free to send it to communityhelp@aerohive.com.