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We are a Chromebook School but need to allow mDNS traffic across vlans to use with new SMART displays

We are a Chromebook School but need to allow mDNS traffic across vlans to use with new SMART displays

New Contributor

We are primarily a chromebook school and have setup our wifi according to aerohives chromebook guidelines which is meant to mitigate traffic between devices since apparently chromebooks talk a lot. So that mean we have a firewall policy setup on our student vlan User Profile that "Drops traffic between stations". But we are moving to the new SMART displays which have screen sharing capabilities. The displays are setup on our Staff vlan so they are on different vlans than student chromebooks. But in order to be able to use the screen sharing capabilities we have to allow mDNS traffic across vlans and speaking to aerohive support they think that would be a bad idea and cause network congestion due to the amount of traffic chromebooks spit out. Has anyone else implemented this and had any luck, if so how did you set it up?


Esteemed Contributor III

We've had mixed success in the past with customers asking Google support how to turn off the communal update feature on the Chromebooks themselves. Some were successful, so this might be an option worth investigating.