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When you have two allocated RADSEC AP's what happens when one of them has an issue, does it prevent users connecting to an SSID which uses RADIUS, or does the secondary one automatically take control etc for my clear understanding.

When you have two allocated RADSEC AP's what happens when one of them has an issue, does it prevent users connecting to an SSID which uses RADIUS, or does the secondary one automatically take control etc for my clear understanding.

New Contributor
When you have two allocated RADSEC AP's what happens when one of them has an issue, does it prevent users connecting to an SSID which uses RADIUS, or does the secondary one automatically take control etc for my clear understanding.

Esteemed Contributor III

The APs elect two Radsec proxies automatically, so when one has an issue the second one takes over. The second one would then become the primary until it had an issue, and then things would switch over to the other AP elected as the proxy (either the original one if it started responding again, or a new one would have been elected so there are always two).