10-25-2018 12:12 PM
I've downloaded the latest 8.4r6 firmware for our AP130's, but when I log into HiveManager Classic Online, select the AP, upload and activate HiveOS firmware, I don't see an add/remove button anywhere. The latest firmware shown is 8.1r2. I am logged in as an admin as well, and tried 3 different browsers.
12-19-2018 07:02 PM
10-26-2018 01:45 PM
Sure thing, I've added both the HiveOS 8.4r6 and the golden image 8.2r4 for the AP230 to your server.
10-25-2018 09:56 PM
10-25-2018 03:36 PM
Thanks for the VHM ID, I was able to add 8.4r6 to your HiveManager server for you for the AP 130. As to your question about the latest version for the 120's and 121's, that is still 6.5r10 so you're good to go there as well.
10-25-2018 02:55 PM
If you can email me your VHM ID, I can add that firmware file to your server for you.