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Why do I have wired client connected to my Hivemanager ?

Why do I have wired client connected to my Hivemanager ?

New Contributor

Hello all,


I have deployed some AP-250 for testing, and it worked well until I have seen a lot of wired client connected to my hivemanager.


I don't understand why the wired client are connecting to the Hivemanager ... Only Wireless user should be able to connect to it.


Currently, we have :


  • A MGMT vlan for AP management
  • A User Vlan (for Wired and Wifi client)


I think it could be related to the User'mix on User Vlan.

The best practice should be to separate the two client type, but during a test with another company location, we didn't face this situation.


The main issue is that I want to deploy another subnets for another SSID and my Company IP scope is not as large as I thought.


Do you know if an option exist to avoid wired client ?



New Contributor



I've already created a ticket regarding several issue (captive portal [you have answer on it] and this one).

When I did a VLAN Probe on the AP, I've learned the User Vlan subnet on 2 Vlan (which is not normal). Nethertheless, when I tried the product couple months ago, I didn't face this issue (the infrastructure didn't change). It was on On-premises Hivemanager and not cloud​.

Esteemed Contributor III

Thank you for explaining your tests, I'm not sure why you are seeing the wired client either. I would recommend opening a technical support case so our engineers can investigate that with you further.

New Contributor

​Hello Sam,

We don't have Aerohive switch. I've check the AMRP and we could have an issue with the Data plane & Mgmt plane.

Currently :

We have a User Vlan (currently use for wired client and wireless client with our last solution). The AP was set on this VLAN : of course it's not good, but it was like when I arrived.


I've made couple test :

  1. AP on the same Vlan than the users => Nok, still wired client on the HIVE
  2. AP on the same Vlan wired user but a separate VLAN for wireless users => Nok, still wired client on the HIVE
  3. I've decided to create a MGMT Vlan (220) dedicated for AP management, and allowed the User Vlan (100) on the Interface. The interface on AP is a trunk and the 2 vlan are tagged on the Switch Interface. Even like that, I had wired clients on my Hivemanager... (see wired_client-AP) => Nok, still wired client on the HIVE
  4. Then, I have decided to put the Wireless client on a separate VLAN (222) [and the AP on the MGMT Vlan], and I don't face this behavior anymore.



I still don't understand why Wired client are on the Hivemanager when I deploy a Wireless AP even when I have the AP on a dedicated Management VLAN. It's not logical.



Esteemed Contributor III

Typically we see wired clients when there is an Aerohive switch in the network topology, do you have any Aerohive switches? If not, it's likely an issue with AMRP.