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Purview analytics in VDI environments

Purview analytics in VDI environments

New Contributor II
I have a question that came up at an event we were hosting for Purview. The specific question was if Purview could track application and network response times across a VDI, in this case Citrix, environment as the user continues to access internal resources. This would allow for the quick analysis of users who are complaining about differing experiences when using these Remote/VDI environments.

I understand you would have to be receiving flows from both the "outside" edge of that connection and the "internal side of the connection as the Citrix/View/RDP server connects to the DB/App etc, but is there a way to correlate those connections by user or something?

My hope was that the OneFabric Connect modules would tie into these systems and be able to provide those users to Netsight for correlation by Purview, but I was looking for some confirmation.

Thank you