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VDX6730 password lost after upgrade

VDX6730 password lost after upgrade

New Contributor

I had upgraded two VDX6730 to version 4.1.3d. They were before at 3.0.1aa. During the upgrade I received some logs related to user admin and super changed parameters.
After the Upgrade was completed, I'm not able to connect to the management port. I get an authentication error.
I ran a debug at the radius server and I saw the authentication request wasn't arriving to the server.
I tested with the default credentials:
admin/password and super/password but it didn't worked either.

Is it there any other user/password I can try?

The switches are installed in another place, so I will like to know if there's another way (other than console connection and reset password procedure) to have access to the switch.

Thanks in advance.


Extreme Employee

Please also check if your password contains any special characters. If so, try using an escape character and see if that works:

Password is: P@ss!Word
Enter: P\@ss\!Word

Alternatively, you can attempt to use root/fibranne to login, if the root account is enabled.
Michael Morey
Principal Technical Support Engineer
Extreme Networks

New Contributor
Yes, I'm sure the upgrade has finished. I did the upgrade yesterday. I have traps into my SNMP console (access snmp is OK) whose shows this. Every thing works, I dont have problems accessing the servers behind those switches, or connection lost in the network. I only don't have access with the credentials I have.

I can see clearly in the logs from yesterday that admin and super users were changed. But I can't see what is the new password they have. and radius configuration was alse cleared during upgrade.

Extreme Employee
Are you sure that upgrade is completed? If you don't have console to device how do you know that?
It is possible that switch is still booting and "NOS is not ready", but you will see this error only via the console