‎08-04-2020 04:44 AM
‎08-04-2020 07:51 AM
By default, the current TCAM hardware profile allocates TCAM resources for standard implementation with the most common features. Changing the TCAM profile to "IPV4-V6-QOS" will re-allocate more TCAM rosources for IPv4/v6 and QoS traffic.
If you are on version 7.x or higher, you can run the below two commands to get the differences and how the TCAM will change from one profile to the other.
sw0# show hardware-profile tcam defaultsw0# show hardware-profile tcam ipv4-v6-qos
‎08-04-2020 06:31 AM
Thinks, I want something based on the source IP address not based on the port
‎08-04-2020 05:57 AM
Please see the below KB for procedure on how to configure port mirroring.
Also, additional details are in the VDX monitoring manual. See page 33.
One thing to remember is to disable LLDP on the destination mirror port or you will get an error while trying to configure the monitor session.
For example. The below disables LLDP on port 10, so it can be the destination mirror port. Then, we configure a monitor session for it.
sw0(conf-if-te-104/0/1)# int te 104/0/10
sw0(conf-if-te-104/0/10)# lldp disable
2020/08/04-05:00:34, [ONMD-1004], 878, DCE, INFO, sw0, LLDP is disabled on interface Te 104/0/10.
sw0(conf-if-te-104/0/10)# exit
sw0(config)# monitor session 1
2020/08/04-05:00:42, [NSM-1031], 879, DCE, INFO, sw0, Session 1 is created.
sw0(config-session-1)# source tengigabitethernet 104/0/1 destination tengigabitethernet 104/0/10 direction both
2020/08/04-05:01:21, [NSM-1034], 880, DCE, INFO, sw0, Session 1 configuration is added.
sw0(config-session-1)# do sh run monitor
monitor session 1
source tengigabitethernet 104/0/1 destination tengigabitethernet 104/0/10 direction both
Hope that helps.