We have several VDX 6740 switches that are in a single VCS fabric, however the switches are in different locations in our data center. Does anyone know if it's possible to set a unique SNMP location for each switch/rbridge instead of for the entire logical chassis? Our NMS can utilize this field to immediately tell our technicians which row/cabinet to visit if there's an issue.
Right now, our configuration looks like:
snmp-server contact "IT Network Ops"
snmp-server location "GP1 DC"
snmp-server community [redacted] groupname ROv2c ipv4-acl snmp
snmp-server view All 1 included
snmp-server group ROv2c v2c read All
In the rbridge context, I do see some SNMP options, but nothing that appears to let me set the location per:gp1-dc-ncs1(config)# rb 2
gp1-dc-ncs1(config-rbridge-id-2)# snmp-server ?
Possible completions:
engineID Holds local Agents's Engine ID.
three-tuple-if Allow SNMP to display physical interfaces in 3-tuple format
for ifDescr and ifName
user Holds username, groupname auth and priv attributes
associated with SNMP username
v3host Holds IP Address, username, severity level and port number
used to send v3 traps and informs