Have had problems changing the IP address of Netsight (V8.0.2.42), and am currently getting a connection refused, the server.log is showing the following error:
2017-07-30 12:01:35,728 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address:
NetSight is running on a VMWare, and I am able SSH on to it with the new IP.
To change the IP I ran dnetconfig from /usr/postintall/
Have run through the usual checks on the GTAC knowledge base, like looking at the
.netsight file at location /var/Extreme_networks but
no longer exits, and also at the hosts file at /etc, which is showing the correct new IP address.
So I think there is something else the dnetconfig has missed updating when it was run?
Not sure if there is anything else I need to check?
Thanks in advance.