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command script tool netsight

command script tool netsight

New Contributor II
I have a issue where I have to script towards none supported units in netsight ( older extremeware) In the command script tools is there any way of doing something similar like this ? if %DEVICEIP% == "" // Andreas

New Contributor II
No not what I mean. In netsight there is a command script tool ( if you right click on a device it will show up as execute command) Can I in that tool use any if/else statement to run a command script on a particular devices. Say I have a group of 10 devices. On device that has ip and I want to tag a Y with vlan X but on the rest of the devices I want to tag vlan X on port Z Makes sense ?

Extreme Employee
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for, but you can add a group of ports to specific vlans and apply to certain switches like this:

For ā€œiā€ series switches:

configure vlan add ports {tagged | untagged} {nobroadcast} {soft-rate-limit}

For ā€œeā€ series switches:

configure vlan add ports {tagged | untagged}

You can enter these commands in the NetSight scripting tool to allow you to configure vlan X with port(s) Y and run the script on various device(s) Z.

New Contributor II
Thanks for the response. The thing I'm looking for is actually a port group feature in nesight for extremeware. Since I couldn't add the ports to a port group I wanted to find a way to configure vlan X on device Y on port portgroup X ( in essence a array of ports )

Extreme Employee
Hi Andreas,

Are you looking to do something equivalent to writing an ACL in EXOS (if / then / action)?

If yes, you can create an ACL on ExtremeWare. Depending on if you have an 'i' series (Summit 48si, Summit 7i, Alpine, ex) or 'e' series switch (Summit 200/300/400), the commands are a little different.

Below is a link to the ExtremeWare CLI Guide. Page 491 describes how to create an access list.

The guide shows how to create ACLs for 'e' and 'i' series switches.

Hope this helps.
