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EXOS TFTP put to Netsight failing due to incorrect forward slash

EXOS TFTP put to Netsight failing due to incorrect forward slash

Not applicable
Whenever I submit the command:

tftp put vr "VR-Default" internal-memory

It fails with the following response:

Uploading show_tech.log.gz to ... failed!

Error: (2) unable open file

The message in Netsight syslog is as follows: open() file=C:\tftpboot/show_tech.log.gz client

So my guess is with Netsight being windows based using a \ (backslash) and EXOS being Linux based and using a / (Forward slash), this is where the problem comes in.

Can't see how to correct this in EXOS as specifying a forward slash gives an error, and I don't know if there is a way to correct within the TFTP server in Netsight.

Have also tried the following:

X460.2 # tftp -v "VR-Default" -p -l internal-memory show_tech.log.gz

Uploading show_tech.log.gz to failed!
Error: (2) unable open file


X460.3 # tftp -v "VR-Default" -p -l internal-memory show_tech.log.gz -r show_tech.log.gz

Uploading show_tech.log.gz to failed!

Error: (2) unable open file


X460.4 # tftp -v "VR-Default" -p -l internal-memory show_tech.log.gz -r \show_tech.log.gz

Error: Illegal filename (\show_tech.log.gz)

ExtremeXOS version

Netsight version


New Contributor
By default the NetSight TFTP server runs in a secure mode in that it will only write files to the server if that file already exists. Inventory Manager will first create an empty file as part of the archive process before it tells the device to TFTP the config to the server.

Adding the -c option removes this security and allows any user/system to write to the TFTP server rootdir. The security prevents malicious users from filling up the hard drive.

Hello Bob, we haven't spoken in a while.

I'm installing the latest version of Management Center, and am having the exact problem in this thread.

Why would I want to disable that standard TFTP security feature by allowing any host to put files into the tftp root directory?

Here's the details of the error I'm getting when trying to stamp a new archive version:

Saving configuration to script nms.xsf on master .... done! Saving script on Standbys (Slots: 2). on master .... done! Script saved on Standby (Slot-2): done! Slot-1 X440Stack.3 # tftp -v "VR-Default" -p -l primary.cfg -r /configs/tmp/10_20_36_2/primary.cfg Uploading primary.cfg to ... failed! Error: (2) unable open file Slot-1 X440Stack.4 # tftp -v "VR-Default" -p -l nms.xsf -r /configs/tmp/10_20_36_2/nms.xsf Uploading nms.xsf to ... failed! Error: (2) unable open file
I'm trying to get Command Center up and fully integrated with our Extreme network, to build a business case to buy it. The product not working is not a good pitch.



Not applicable
The fix worked for me also, thanks Bill.

Extreme Employee

Since you are using NetSight as your TFTP server, you might want to create a script in OneView that can be applied to any switch.

Here's a quick and dirty example:

# Define your user parameters in this section. For reference, see bundled scripts.
# Enter all CLI commands from here
set var devIP $tcl(string map {. -} $deviceIP)
set var dat $tcl(string map {"-" ""} $date)
set var tim $tcl(string map {":" "" " " ""} $time)
show tech all detail logto file
tftp put $serverIP vr vr-mgmt internal-memory show_tech.log.gz support/$devIP-$dat$tim-show_tech.log.gz

The script uses several variables provided by NetSight:
- $deviceIP: the address of the switch where the script is being run.
- $date: current date.
- $time: current time
- $serverIP: tftp server address (NetSight)

The contents of the first three variables have to be "sanitized" to be used as part of the filename so you can run the scrip on multiple switches simultaneously and/or store multiple files from the same device at different days or times.

I also created a support subdirectory under /tftpboot to keep the saved files separate from the rest.

With this script all you have to do is select the switch(es) you want to get the show tech from and drink your coffee while NetSight does all the work... ;=)

Not applicable
Brilliant - that sorted the problem. Thanks.

Just changed the script to use vr vr-default for use in my particular setup.

Many thanks again.