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How to discover network devices with Management Center 7?

How to discover network devices with Management Center 7?

New Contributor II
How do I discover my network devices with Management Center 7.0? Older versions of NetSight Console had a feature in which I could define an IP address range, select a type of discovery (ICMP or SNMP), enter SNMP credentials to use and find every device within that IP address range that would respond.

The legacy apps, such as Console, are going to be deprecated, and are no longer supported.

How do I do this same task using Management Center?

Thanks, Jess

Extreme Employee
I have created this Knowledgbase article, free for customer input if you believe it is lacking. It's to cover the most basic aspects of discovery, and not all the permutations.

Following the link above for XMC7 the rules apply for 8.2 as well, My question is if you have more than 1 profile selected and a device responds to both of the profiles, GTAC is telling me that in fact the discovery will NOT add the devices to the device tree or map. They just show up in the discovered section and then you cant add them you can just view them.

I am currently working with GTAC on a case related to this, with 0 progress. Any assistance from the community at large would be appreciated. Going on 6 days with no forward movement and having to manually add hundreds of devices one by one defeats the purpose of buying XMC.

--growing more frustrated daily.

Extreme Employee
7.0 Site Discover seed discover now supports (Extreme Discover Protocol (EDP) and LLDP, Also one can define a range to discover by subnet as well.

Extreme Employee
The Help documentations provide a good description of the steps. At the large ? icon search 'checklist' and select topic "Extreme Management Center Initial Configuration Checklist".
1. Organize, add, and configure devices in Management Center.