AFAIK you can access mySQL externally with some old versions of NetSight. Recent versions can be accessed only from the netsight host.
but you can change it by:
cd /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/mysql/bin /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/mysql/bin$ ./mysql --host=localhost --user=netsight --password=XXXX --port=4589 --protocol=TCP
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON netsight.* TO 'zdenek'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'mojeheslo';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON netsightrpt.* TO 'zdenek'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'mojeheslo';
where "zdenek" is the new username, "mojeheslo" is the new password and "" is IP of your SQL client and XXXX is the old password to the database (you will see that in NetSight on the place where you run database backup"
I have no information how you can access it by Excel or power BI (whatever are those two programs).
ZdenÄk Pala