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NetSight 6.2 Appliance - Default Username

NetSight 6.2 Appliance - Default Username

New Contributor II
I just deployed the OVF for NetSight and the instructions state to login to the console with the user account used during installation, of which the only option was the root user. I can't find any documentation stating otherwise but the root user and password do not work to log into http://>:8080 so I'm stuck and unable to move forward. Does anyone know of another default username and password to try in this case?

New Contributor II

Thanks for getting back to me. I did change the root password during setup, and so I tried using root and that password to login to https://netsight_ip:8444 but that didn't work. I've tried admin, root, administrator, etc on the login from this page and none have worked with a blank password. So at that point I redeployed the OVF just to see if I missed something and I don't think I did. Am I going to the wrong page for log in?

Extreme Employee

That is the password for the virtual controller, Netsight on the other hand has no password by default, it prompts you to add it. If you don't remember you should just delete and redeploy.


Extreme Employee

When you went through the installation procedure in the OVA installation, you log into the appliance using the login root. As part of that process it asks you to create a password, this password is what you then log into that system moving forward. If you went through the installation but did not change the password, the password is null. If by chance you did change it and cannot remember, I would delete it and redeploy paying attention to remember the password you select. Let me know...
