02-12-2020 10:20 AM
Hello anybody,
After installing all functions, Switch is not inserted into EMC. After reboot of the Cent-OS host the switch is visible.
Where is my error? What can I do?
03-27-2020 08:29 AM
If the product is under the valid support contract then I suggest contacting GTAC for help.
It will be much easier if you use VM based deployment or if you deploy XMC from ISO.
03-26-2020 11:19 AM
Extreme Management Center
CentOS release 6.9 (Final)
Delete means → Network Devices→ right button→ more actions→ delete device, no more options
There is no error message
Yes I’m an administrator
The same result with crome, firefox and explorer.
03-18-2020 11:31 AM
Do you see the same behavior with other web browsers?
03-13-2020 09:30 PM
What XMC Version,
What CentOS Version
When you say you cant delete the Device, what do you mean exactly ?
Is there no option for deleting ?
Is there an error deleting ?
Are you authorized as an XMC administrator ?