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Purview appliance with more interfaces on different subnets

Purview appliance with more interfaces on different subnets

Contributor II
Hi, is possible to deploy the Pureview appliance with more interfaces on different subnets or under a NAT device respect the Pureview Sensor? In my scenario I've got a NAT device between my internal lan where I've got the ExtremeControl and the ExtremeAnalytics appliance (virtual) and the coreflow2 switch is on another subnet and I reach this throught the nat device. As test, I've natted 1-1 the Extreme Analytics Appliance and I've used the NAT IP address as the remote gre endpoint on the coreflow2 switch. In this test I see in the external interface of the nat\router the GRE packets, but nothing reach my internal Pureview appliance. How is possible to use Pureview in a deployment like that? Thanks

Contributor II
Hi Tony, I've already seen the Knowledge article on Netsight with multiple nic, but it doesn't work for Purview...the configuration wizard don't permit to define different subnet masks (for example an ip with mask 16 on the first nic and and ip with mask 24 on the second nic....I don't know if this is possible changing manually the configuration files of the interfaces and if this works...).
In my case I'm trying to add a second NIC to the Netsight and connect one of them outside the nat device....that receive the flow from a purview applaince connected outside the nat device...

Extreme Employee
Hi Antonio,

Maybe the Knowledge article below can be of help. It specifies NetSight, but it may be of use for Purview too if you have not already reviewed it.
How to setup NetSight to use multiple interfaces
