There are alarms that can be generated for both NetSight Extreme Management Control and Access Control (NAC) to help monitor the status of these systems.
For EMC, Threshold alarms may be configured from the Alarm Manager for a variety of categories. The thresholds may be configured with both an upper and lower value so depending on your system, customized threshold levels may be set.
Here are some available threshold alarms available for the Extreme Management Center server:
- EMC server CPU
- EMC server CPU Max %
- EMC server Disk Free MB
- EMC server Disk Used MB
- EMC server Disk Utilization %
- EMC Server memory used
On the NAC server you can monitor NAC End System events. These are some of the items you can monitor with alarm thresholds:
- NAC ES Events
- NAC ES per Auth type
- NAC ES per Policy
- NAC ES seen in the last 24 hours
In addition to threshold alarms you can monitor the EMC server through the Reports tab in OneView. This will provide graphics monitoring event logs, server CPU and Memory, and disk access.
The OneView Reports tab also provides access to Access Control information for End Systems similar tothe alarm thresholds.