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40GB-F10-QSFP breakout cable connection question

40GB-F10-QSFP breakout cable connection question

Extreme Employee
I have a customer that needs to connect a S-Series (S1) 40Gig to 4 - X460G2 at 10gig. The part being used is 40GB-F10-QSFP which is the breakout cable, but the concern is, will the X460G2 support the SM connection.


Extreme Employee
Thanks for all your guidance..

Extreme Employee
Ok, because this is SMF, then you need on the "40G" Side (the S-Series) to have a QSFP+ PSM transceiver. This is only the transceiver, no cables, it's not a DAC either. On the other side (the x460-G2's) you will need to have regular SFP+ LR (assuming you need LR, ie < 10Km). I'm not aware of a solution for ER/ZR.

10326 QSFP+ PSM Optical Module QSFP+ (4X10GBASE) breakout optical module, MPO connector, 10km SMF link length

In between, that will depend on your fiber plant. We have in our pricelist a SMF MPO-to-4xLC patch cable.

10327 MPO to 4xLC breakout patch cable, SM 10m MPO to 4 x LC breakout patch cable, Single-Mode 10m

If you need SC/APC connector, you'll have to ask your usual fiber vendor.

If the x460-G2's are close enough to the S1, I'd encourage you to use MMF, that would be cheaper using QSFP+ SR4 or some DAC.

Extreme Employee
Thanks for jumping in.. Yes, single mode fiber. I will pass on your information.

Thanks again

Extreme Employee

sorry to jump in, but I don't understand several things here.

- 40GB-F10-QSFP ref is not a breakout (fanout) cable. It's a 10m long Active Optical Cable, so QSFP+ to QSFP+ (40G to 40G). While you could breakout it to 4x10G to 4x10G, this is not supported on the x460-G2.

We do have fanout 40G cables, passive copper ones, active optical ones, maybe you were referring to the 10GB-4-F10-QSFP?

- What do you mean by "SM"? Is it Single Mode Fiber?

If you need SMF, you need to use a PSM QSFP+ transceiver to achieve the breakout into 4x10G LR.