I have a customer that needs to connect a S-Series (S1) 40Gig to 4 - X460G2 at 10gig. The part being used is 40GB-F10-QSFP which is the breakout cable, but the concern is, will the X460G2 support the SM connection.
Yes.. the cable will work. The part # you game me is the optical breakout cable while what he describes is a passive cooper cable. Either one will work. The passive cable picture is below...
The issue is that this part is a breakout cable with one side going to the S blade. Part is for S so compatibility is assured on that end. The break out then goes to 4x QSFP captive SM modules. At least that is what the description says. So the question is if the X460-G2 on the other end of one of the 4 breakout cables will support the captive SM module.