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How to migrate configuration from EOS to EXOS??

How to migrate configuration from EOS to EXOS??

New Contributor III
I need to configure my x440-g2 with exos to use in my network.
all switches that i have are c5 and b5 witch eos ... now i need to translate eos config file to exos....

and this is my base config to migrate:

set ip address 172.16.0.XXX mask gateway

clear snmp access ro security-model v1
clear snmp access ro security-model v2c
clear snmp access public security-model v1
clear snmp access public security-model v2c
clear snmp access public security-model usm
clear snmp group ro ro security-model v1
clear snmp group ro ro security-model v2c
clear snmp group public public security-model v1
clear snmp user public
clear snmp group public public

set snmp user USER authentication md5 PASSWORD encryption des privacy PASSWORD nonvolatile
set snmp group read_write user USER security-model usm
set snmp access read_write security-model usm privacy exact read All write All notify All nonvolatile

set length 24
set width 150 default
set summertime enable CEST
set summertime recurring last Sunday March 02:00 last Sunday October 03:00 60
set timezone 'CET' 1 0
set ssh enabled
set sntp client unicast
set sntp server 172.16.XX.XX
set sntp server 172.16.XX.XX precedence 2
set prompt XXXXXXX
set system name XXXXXX
set system location XXXXX
set logout 60
set logging default severity 6
set logging application STP level 7
set logging server 1 ip-addr 172.16.XX.XX state enable
set gvrp disable
set ciscodp status disable
set banner login "LOL"
set system login USER super-user enable local-only yes
set system login admin super-user enable local-only yes
clear system login ro
clear system login rw

set password admin
set password USER

set spantree mstcfgid cfgname 'SPT-NAME' rev 1
set spantree adminedge ge.1.1-46 true
set lldp port tx-tlv sys-name mgmt-addr ge.1.47-48
set igmpsnooping interfacemode ge.1.1-48 enable
set dhcpsnooping trust port lag.0.1 enable
set dhcpsnooping trust port ge.1.47-48 enable
set dhcpsnooping enable
#jesli jest LAG
set lacp aadminkey lag.0.1 100
set lacp singleportlag enable
set port lacp port ge.1.47-48 aadminkey 100 enable

set vlanauthorization enable
set policy maptable response tunnel
set multiauth precedence dot1x mac

set eapol auth-mode forced-auth ge.1.47-48
set eapol auth-mode auto ge.1.1-46
set multiauth port mode force-auth ge.1.47-48
set multiauth port mode auth-reqd ge.1.1-46
set macauthentication port enable ge.1.1-46
set eapol enable

please help me or i'll broke that ...#$@$! x440....


New Contributor III
Thank you
i also have lines like these:

disable snmp access (all)
configure snmpv3 delete access (all)
configure snmpv3 delete user (all)
configure snmpv3 delete group (all)

configure snmpv3 add access read_write sec-model usm write-view (only)

are these lines ok ?

you wrote :
# Basic STP config - this is incomplete!
# a newly created VLAN needs to be added

i have in my network Cisco Switchec (x20), Extreme C5 (x11), Extreme B5 (x3) and Extreme S4 (x2) switches and they dont neet no special spantree vlan... do i really need to add new vlan for my new x440 (x6)? what is it for (Also i have Netsight Suite to manage my infrastructure)?

Marek (Mark)

Contributor II
Hi Marek,

E2X is not able to create a good conversion of your template. 😞

With a few adjustments of the template it converts parts of it to the following (edited for this post):

# IP address
configure vlan Default ipaddress
configure iproute add default

# LAG for ports 47 and 48
enable sharing 47 grouping 47-48 algorithm address-based L3 lacp

# Basic STP config - this is incomplete!
# a newly created VLAN needs to be added to STP
configure mstp region 'SPT-NAME
'configure mstp revision 1
configure stpd s0 mode mstp cist
enable stpd s0
configure stpd s0 ports link-type edge 1-46

# Prompt / Name and Banner
configure snmp sysName "XXXXXX"
configure snmp sysLocation "XXXXX"
configure banner before-login acknowledge save-to-configuration
Press RETURN to proceed to login

configure ssh2 key
enable ssh2

# Syslog
configure syslog add local4
configure log target syslog local4 severity debug-data
enable log target syslog local4

# SNTP and timezone
configure sntp-client primary
enable sntp-client
configure timezone name CET 60 autodst name CEST 60 begins every last Sunday March at 02 00 ends every last Sunday October at 03 00

The interactive mode of E2X contains How-Tos for SNMP:

# remove default SNMP credentials
disable snmp community public
disable snmp community private
disable snmpv3 default-user
disable snmpv3 default-group
configure snmp delete community readonly all
configure snmp delete community readwrite all
configure snmpv3 delete user admin
configure snmpv3 delete user initial
configure snmpv3 delete user initialmd5
configure snmpv3 delete user initialsha
configure snmpv3 delete user initialmd5Priv
configure snmpv3 delete user initialshaPriv

# configure SNMPv3
configure snmpv3 add user authentication sha privacy aes
configure snmpv3 add group user sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view defaultAdminView write-view defaultAdminView notify-view defaultAdminView

I hope that gets you started with a template for EXOS.


Extreme Employee
Marek, we do have an Python script that can be used in Windows or Linux that can convert the configuration from EOS to EXOS. The script might not convert everything, so it would be recommended to review the converted output and test before placing into production.