Hi Marek,
E2X is not able to create a good conversion of your template.
With a few adjustments of the template it converts parts of it to the following (edited for this post):
# IP address
configure vlan Default ipaddress
configure iproute add default
# LAG for ports 47 and 48
enable sharing 47 grouping 47-48 algorithm address-based L3 lacp
# Basic STP config - this is incomplete!
# a newly created VLAN needs to be added to STP
configure mstp region 'SPT-NAME
'configure mstp revision 1
configure stpd s0 mode mstp cist
enable stpd s0
configure stpd s0 ports link-type edge 1-46
# Prompt / Name and Banner
configure snmp sysName "XXXXXX"
configure snmp sysLocation "XXXXX"
configure banner before-login acknowledge save-to-configuration
Press RETURN to proceed to login
configure ssh2 key
enable ssh2
# Syslog
configure syslog add local4
configure log target syslog local4 severity debug-data
enable log target syslog local4
# SNTP and timezone
configure sntp-client primary
enable sntp-client
configure timezone name CET 60 autodst name CEST 60 begins every last Sunday March at 02 00 ends every last Sunday October at 03 00
The interactive mode of E2X contains How-Tos for SNMP:
# remove default SNMP credentials
disable snmp community public
disable snmp community private
disable snmpv3 default-user
disable snmpv3 default-group
configure snmp delete community readonly all
configure snmp delete community readwrite all
configure snmpv3 delete user admin
configure snmpv3 delete user initial
configure snmpv3 delete user initialmd5
configure snmpv3 delete user initialsha
configure snmpv3 delete user initialmd5Priv
configure snmpv3 delete user initialshaPriv
# configure SNMPv3
configure snmpv3 add user
authentication sha privacy aes
configure snmpv3 add group user sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view defaultAdminView write-view defaultAdminView notify-view defaultAdminView
I hope that gets you started with a template for EXOS.